Friday, May 18, 2007

An unexplored question in gender and politics

So many comments have been made about the possibility of a female president, now that Hillary is running. We've had female candidates before, of course, but this time all the analysts are going nuts because this is the first "serious" candidate. (Elizabeth Dole, how do you respond to that?)

Well, we may be "ready for" a female president (which is not to say we haven't been "ready" for quite some time), but are we ready for a male First Lady? Has anyone explored the implications? I think this question has been ignored for too long, and I for one do not look forward to having to explain such a complicated and confusing issue to innocent children.

"Daddy, how can a lady be a man?"

"Well, it's, uh... why don't you go ask your mother?"

"She told me I should ask you."


  1. If you like, I can pick up a T-shirt for you over here that has a big ol' picture of Bill Clinton's face, under which is written: "Bill for First Lady in 2008." :D

  2. Lars, your blog is my new addiction. LOVE IT!

  3. Dang, I guess that means I need to post more often, huh?
