Friday, August 08, 2008

Um, I don't have a TV

As part of getting all the utilities set up in the new house, I called the cable company to get an internet connection. I finished scheduling the appointment for the technician to come get it installed, and the girl on the phone asked why we weren't also getting cable TV installed. I replied that it was because we don't have a television. She started going into a sales pitch. "It's only $9.99 a month if you get it bundled with the internet, and we could get it installed at the same time without an extra installation fee."

"Yeah, I may have mentioned this before, but we don't have a television."

"You could order it now and cancel it at any time if you decide you don't want it."

"We don't have a television. It wouldn't be any use to us."

If I were a little more creative, we could have had some fun with that. Sarah suggested "Does it come with a free television?" Or how about "Can we watch it directly through the cable outlet?" Or "We already get cable, we have a wire running over from the neighbor's house."


  1. it's like when we were getting dsl and they couldn't understand that we didn't have nor did we want a land line.

  2. We have two TVs but still no cable. I guess I'm just a cheapskate.

    I totally would have asked for a free TV. After all, Dish Network gives away free receivers, and those have got to cost at least as much as a simple TV...

  3. yeah, that's funny. We're moving, and I'm dealing with the same kind of sales people. Man their annoying! Funny story though, that Sarah can always come up with something funny to say...too bad she wasn't on the phone, she probably would have said it, and given us all a good laugh. Hope you guys are doing well.

  4. Hilarious. Maybe she was just so shocked by the concept that someone might not want to have a TV that her brain just wouldn't accept it......"Error! Error! Does Not Compute!"
